Team Rounds

Group 1Matches Won Against this TeamTotal
Alpha Gripz 2338
Band of DC brothers1 326
Kings of Rowayton00 22
Paddles O'Sullivan and the Foo011 2

Matches - Group 1

Round 1
Alpha Gripz (2)
Band of DC brothers (1)
Alpha Tolkowsky - Zak (30.5)
Bando Gorman - Keen (39.1)
Alpha Combias - McConnell (31.2)
Bando Caskin - Railey (44.9)
Alpha Russo - Shehadi (34.3)
Bando Kutko - Sullivan (54.2)
Kings of Rowayton (2)
Paddles O'Sullivan and the Foo (1)
Roway Jantzen - Weaver (33.3)
  7-5, 4-6, 1-0 (10-6) 
Paddl Coyne - Young (34.7)
Roway Salmore - Schmitz (35.4)
  6-2, 6-4 
Paddl Greeley - O'Connor (42.3)
Roway Heffern - Mccoy (45.2)
  6-3, 6-3 
Paddl O'Sullivan - Stanton (42.5)
Round 2
Alpha Gripz (3)
Kings of Rowayton (0)
Alpha Russo - Zak (32.1)
  6-0, 6-1 
Roway Heffern - Schmitz (37)
Alpha Combias - McConnell (31.2)
  6-2, 6-1 
Roway Mccoy - Weaver (37.7)
Alpha Shehadi - Tolkowsky (32.7)
  6-0, 6-2 
Roway Jantzen - Salmore (39.2)
Band of DC brothers (2)
Paddles O'Sullivan and the Foo (1)
Bando Gorman - Keen (39.1)
  6-3, 6-0 
Paddl Coyne - Greeley (32.7)
Bando Caskin - Railey (44.9)
Paddl Alper - Young (42.2)
Bando Kutko - Weber (48)
Paddl O'Connor - O'Sullivan (44.1)
Round 3
Alpha Gripz (3)
Paddles O'Sullivan and the Foo (0)
Alpha Russo - Zak (32.1)
  6-4, 6-4 
Paddl Coyne - O'Sullivan (34.5)
Alpha Combias - McConnell (31.2)
  7-6, 6-3 
Paddl Alper - Greeley (40.2)
Alpha Shehadi - Tolkowsky (32.7)
  6-1, 7-6 
Paddl Stanton - Young (42.7)
Band of DC brothers (3)
Kings of Rowayton (0)
Bando Gorman - Keen (39.1)
Roway Jantzen - Weaver (33.3)
Bando Caskin - Railey (44.9)
Roway Salmore - Schmitz (35.4)
Bando Kutko - Weber (48)
Roway Heffern - Mccoy (45.2)

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