McCall Monte

Player National Rank3589.563
Kristen Van Pelt
Grosse Pointe Farms MI USA
Match 1
Main Draw, Quarter-Final
5FitzSimons - Plowman
Fri CCD9:006-3,6-4
6Monte - Van PeltC3
FitzSimons - Plowman 
Match 2
Consolation Draw, Semi-Final
C3Monte - Van Pelt
Fri CCD10:306-4,6-4
C4Legatski - MorrisseyCR2
Monte - Van Pelt 
Match 3
Consolation Draw, Final
 Diaz - Harrison
Fri CCD1:006-3,6-3
 Monte - Van Pelt
Monte - Van Pelt 

This team has no more matches.

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