Genius Chidzikwe
Bedford MA USA
Player National Rank9051.375
Rashid Hassan
Monroeville PA USA
Player National Rank37814.5
Match 1
Main Draw, Round of 32
13Chidzikwe - HassanC7
Sat BBCC8:006-4, 6-1
14Falatek - Najdek
Falatek - Najdek 
Match 2
Consolation Draw, Round of 16
C7Chidzikwe - HassanCR4
Sat BBCC10:005-7, 6-4, 7-6 (11-9)
C8Cantrell - Casquero
Cantrell - Casquero 
Match 3
Consolation Reprieve Draw, Quarter-Final
CR3Gonzalez Rubio - Shannon
Sat CCC1:006-2, 6-3
CR4Chidzikwe - Hassan
Chidzikwe - Hassan 
Match 4
Consolation Reprieve Draw, Semi-Final
 Chan - Cobbs
Sat CCC3:006-3, 6-4
 Chidzikwe - Hassan
Chidzikwe - Hassan 
Match 5
Consolation Reprieve Draw, Final
 Chidzikwe - Hassan
Sat CCC4:306-3, 6-4
 Cotet - Sanford
Cotet - Sanford 

This team has no more matches.

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