Sara Aldinger
Bozeman MT USA
Team National Rank7952.25
Player National Rank16126.125
Cheryl Imo
Chicago IL USA
Team National Rank7952.25
Player National Rank10639.0625
Match 1
Main Draw, Round of 32
21Aldinger - ImoC11
Fri SC8:157-6,6-4
22Damon - Donnelly
Damon - Donnelly 
Match 2
Consolation Draw, Round of 16
C11Aldinger - Imo
Fri SC9:306-2, 6-0
C12Gaspadarek - NoethlichCR6
Aldinger - Imo 
Match 3
Consolation Draw, Quarter-Final
 O'Neil - Pepper
Fri SC10:456-2 ,6-3
 Aldinger - Imo
Aldinger - Imo 
Match 4
Consolation Draw, Semi-Final
 Aldinger - Imo
Fri KLM12:450-6, 7-5, 1-0 (10-4)
 Padgitt - Sciortino
Aldinger - Imo 
Match 5
Consolation Draw, Final
 Cottingham - Davis
Fri KLM2:006-0, 6-1
 Aldinger - Imo
Cottingham - Davis 

This team has no more matches.

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