Club: 302-655-3333
903 Owls Nest Rd, Wilmington DE 19807
Friday, March 22, 2024
 Hall - HallR2
Fri VM9:007-5,7-5
 Paushter - Paushter
11Foley - FoleyC2
Fri VM9:006-1,6-2
12Lehmann - Lehmann
 Burus - Burus
Fri VM10:006-0,6-0
 Mead - LerarisR1
 Najdek - Najdek
Fri VM10:006-3,6-1
 Lehmann - LehmannR3
 Stein - SteinR4
Fri VM10:006-2,6-1
 Davis - Davis
R1Mead - LerarisRR1
Fri VM11:003-6,6-3,6-2
R2Hall - Hall
 Najdek - NajdekQR2
Fri VM12:006-4,2-6,7-5
 Davis - Davis
 Hall - Hall
Fri VM1:007-5,6-7,6-4
 Lehmann - Lehmann
RR1Mead - Leraris
Fri VM1:002-6,6-4,6-1
RR2Stein - Stein
 Burus - Burus
Fri VM2:006-0,6-0
 Davis - Davis
 Morgan - Morgan
Fri VM2:006-4,6-3
 Hanisch - Bostrom
 Hall - Hall
Fri VM3:006-3,6-2
 Wardle - Wardle
 Stein - Stein
Fri VM3:006-1,3-6,6-4
 Felix - Felix
Main Draw, Final
 Burus - Burus
Fri VM4:006-3, 6-0
 Hanisch - Bostrom
 Paushter - Paushter
Fri VM4:00
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Mixed Nationals
Main Draw, Round of 64
Mixed Nationals
Main Draw, Round of 32
 Murphy - EgerCC2
Sat VM9:006-2, 6-4
 Lieb - Glen
Mixed Nationals
Main Draw, Round of 64
Mixed Nationals
Main Draw, Round of 64
35Varda - Remitz
Sat VM9:006-4, 4-6, 6-4
36Mignatti-Deye - SimeoneC9
Mixed Nationals
Main Draw, Round of 32
 Burus - Burus
Sat VM10:006-0, 6-1
 Waggoner - FerrieroCC1
Mixed Nationals
Main Draw, Round of 32
 Elliott - Christian
Sat VM10:006-1, 6-0
 Varda - RemitzCC9
Mixed Nationals
Main Draw, Round of 32
 Nugent - MooreCC10
Sat VM10:006-2, 6-0
 Zerbib - Zerbib
Mixed Nationals
Main Draw, Round of 16
 Burus - Burus
Sat VM11:006-1, 6-4
 Lieb - GlenR1
Mixed Nationals
Main Draw, Round of 16
 Elliott - Christian
Sat VM12:007-5, 6-4
 Zerbib - ZerbibR5
 Murphy - Eger
Sat VM1:007-6, 6-3
 Donecker - Makhanya
 Shipley - Battaglia
Sat VM1:004-6, 6-3, 1-0(10-6)
 Townsend - Campbell
 Nugent - Moore
Sat VM2:006-4, 6-4
 Paushter - Paushter
 Papa - Muoio
Sat VM2:006-4, 6-2
 Murray - Volp
 Donecker - Makhanya
Sat VM3:004-6, 7-6, 1-0(10-3)
 Townsend - Campbell
 Paushter - Paushter
Sat VM3:004-6, 6-3, 1-0(10-6)
 Papa - Muoio
 Stuhler - Owens
Sat VM5:006-2, 6-1
 Denefrio - Denefrio

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