Chris Snow
Henrico VA USA
Team National Rank29226.25
Player National Rank41213.125
Charles Valentine
Richmond VA USA
Team National Rank29226.25
Player National Rank23926.625
Match 1
Main Draw, Quarter-Final
 Lawson - Magner
Sat CCV9:302-6, 6-2, 1-0 (8)
 Snow - ValentineC3
Lawson - Magner 
Match 2
Consolation Draw, Quarter-Final
C3Snow - Valentine
Sat CCV11:456-3, 7-5
C4Leffke - WestonCR2
Snow - Valentine 
Match 3
Consolation Draw, Semi-Final
 Greene - Snead
Sat CCV1:002-6, 7-5, 1-0 (8)
 Snow - Valentine
Snow - Valentine 
Match 4
Consolation Draw, Final
 Snow - Valentine
Sat CCV2:156-1, 6-2
 Long - Sterling
Snow - Valentine 

This team has no more matches.

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