Alison Abernethy
Wyndmoor PA USA
Sarah Piroli
Wyndmoor PA USA
Match 1
Main Draw, Round of 32
 Lenehan - Woosnam
Sat OVB9:156-1, 6-4
 Abernethy - PiroliCC15
Lenehan - Woosnam 
Match 2
Round of 32 Consolation Draw, Round of 16
CC15Abernethy - PiroliCCR8
Sat OVB10:306-3, 3-6, 1-0(10-4)
CC16Stanislawczyk - Stanislawczyk
Stanislawczyk - Stanislawczyk 
Match 3
Round of 32 Consolation Reprieve Draw, Quarter-Final
CCR7Cunningham - Szafara
Sat OVB1:306-1, 6-2
CCR8Abernethy - Piroli
Abernethy - Piroli 
Match 4
Round of 32 Consolation Reprieve Draw, Semi-Final
 Holman - Reichert
Sat OVB2:457-6 (7-5), 7-6 (7-4)
 Abernethy - Piroli
Abernethy - Piroli 
Match 5
Round of 32 Consolation Reprieve Draw, Final
 Morrison - Updike
Sun OVB9:006-2, 6-4
 Abernethy - Piroli
Abernethy - Piroli 

This team has no more matches.

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