Team Rounds

Group 1Matches Won Against this TeamTotal
Hoosier Daddy 12014
Local Scrubs1 0001
No Serve All Breaks02 024
Slashers reMASTERed222 28
The Anker1200 3

Matches - Group 1

Round 1
Hoosier Daddy (1)
Local Scrubs (1)
Hoosi Hagman - Murphy (-2.7)
Local Garmey - Power (12)
Hoosi Held - Schneider (-2.1)
Local Albrikes - Powell (17.1)
No Serve All Breaks (0)
Slashers reMASTERed (2)
NoSer Hansen - Wright (-4.2)
Slash Dennis - Friedrich (-12)
NoSer Puig - Tanaka (7.8)
Slash Humphreys - Ivarsson (-6)
Round 2
Local Scrubs (0)
No Serve All Breaks (2)
Local Garmey - Power (12)
NoSer Puig - Tanaka (7.8)
Local Bitetti - Horne (20.8)
NoSer Owens - Tomic (20.2)
Slashers reMASTERed (2)
The Anker (0)
Slash Benkaim - Friedrich (-6.1)
TheAn du Randt - Mitchell (-25.6)
Slash Ivarsson - Osses-Konig (-4.5)
TheAn Bostrom - Rams (-18.8)
Round 3
Hoosier Daddy (1)
The Anker (1)
Hoosi Baxter - Granger (-9)
TheAn du Randt - Mitchell (-25.6)
Hoosi Held - Schneider (-2.1)
TheAn Chidzikwe - Mushonga (1.8)
Local Scrubs (0)
Slashers reMASTERed (2)
Local Albrikes - Powell (17.1)
Slash Dennis - Osses-Konig (-14.1)
Local Bitetti - Horne (20.8)
Slash Benkaim - Humphreys (-9.7)
Round 4
Hoosier Daddy (2)
No Serve All Breaks (0)
Hoosi Baxter - Granger (-9)
NoSer Hansen - Wright (-4.2)
Hoosi Held - Murphy (-5.8)
NoSer Owens - Tomic (20.2)
Local Scrubs (0)
The Anker (2)
Local Bitetti - Horne (20.8)
TheAn du Randt - Mitchell (-25.6)
Local Garmey - Powell (22.4)
TheAn Bostrom - Rams (-18.8)
Round 5
Hoosier Daddy (0)
Slashers reMASTERed (2)
Hoosi Granger - Murphy (-7.4)
  6-5 (4) 
Slash Friedrich - Humphreys (-15.2)
Hoosi Baxter - Hagman (-4.3)
Slash Benkaim - Ivarsson (3.1)
No Serve All Breaks (2)
The Anker (0)
NoSer Hansen - Wright (-4.2)
TheAn Bostrom - Rams (-18.8)
NoSer Puig - Tanaka (7.8)
TheAn Chidzikwe - Mushonga (1.8)

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