Team Rounds

GroupMatches Won Against this TeamTotal
Forest City Sisters 1012
Screenshots2 024
The Lobsters33 28
Won Hit Wonders211 4

Matches - Group

Round 1
Forest City Sisters (1)
Screenshots (2)
Fores Sedlak - Szymanski (131.7)
  6-4, 6-4 
Scree Liautaud - Ross (134.1)
Fores Kirchner - Oscar (143.1)
  7-5, 6-0 
Scree Kendall - Zaluski (136.6)
Fores Moennich - Rivera (145.8)
  6-4, 6-3 
Scree Cummings - Nahirny (140.9)
The Lobsters (2)
Won Hit Wonders (1)
TheLo Hoeppner - Stramaglia (130.9)
  7-6, 6-4,1-0 
WonHi Lenti - Thurston (127.4)
TheLo Jeon - Orlowski (134)
  6-2, 6-2 
WonHi Baichwal - Bristol (139.5)
TheLo Barkinge - Xourias (140.3)
  6-0, 6-3 
WonHi Hammond - Miller (140.5)
Round 2
Forest City Sisters (0)
The Lobsters (3)
Fores Sedlak - Szymanski (131.7)
  6-4, 3-6, 1-0 
TheLo Hoeppner - Stramaglia (130.9)
Fores Kirchner - Oscar (143.1)
TheLo Jeon - Orlowski (134)
Fores Moennich - Rivera (145.8)
TheLo Barkinge - Xourias (140.3)
Screenshots (2)
Won Hit Wonders (1)
Scree Liautaud - Zaluski (135.1)
WonHi Hammond - Lenti (129.4)
Scree Nahirny - Ross (138.2)
  6-1, 1-6, 1-0 
WonHi Miller - Thurston (138.5)
Scree Cummings - Kendall (138.3)
  6-3, 7-6 
WonHi Baichwal - Bristol (139.5)
Round 3
Forest City Sisters (1)
Won Hit Wonders (2)
Fores Kirchner - Sedlak (137.8)
  6-4, 1-6, 1-0 
WonHi Hammond - Lenti (129.4)
Fores Moennich - Szymanski (138.6)
  4-6, 6-3, 1-0 
WonHi Miller - Thurston (138.5)
Fores Oscar - Rivera (144.2)
  6-3, 2-6, 1-0 
WonHi Baichwal - Bristol (139.5)
Screenshots (0)
The Lobsters (3)
Scree Kendall - Ross (135.6)
  6-0, 6-1 
TheLo Hoeppner - Stramaglia (130.9)
Scree Cummings - Liautaud (136.8)
  6-2, 7-5 
TheLo Jeon - Orlowski (134)
Scree Nahirny - Zaluski (139.2)
  6-2, 6-2 
TheLo Barkinge - Xourias (140.3)

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